The 2013 Manchester Homecoming has come and gone, but not without making some news. The Cute Kids and Cute Pets contest was a huge success. The contest helped raise $1,186 for Friends of Kids with Cancer!
Here are the results of the contest based on number of votes:
Cute Kids:
1st Place: Lillian Toppins (Andrea Layton)
2nd Place: Sebastian Doerr (Michelle Doerr)
3rd Place: Bryce Rosen (Heather Hernandez and Justin Rosen)
Cute Pets:
1st Place: Sydney McBride (Karen and Aaron McBride)
2nd Place: Rosie the Rescue (Patty Millikin-Allen)
3rd Place: Sprite the Hedgehog (Sara Stanley)
The pictures of the winners will be in the upcoming Manchester Message.