Your Gift in Action—A Story from the Heart

Meet the Van Roekel's

At the age of 2, Hudson was diagnosed with Anaplastic Ependymoma, rare type of primary brain or spinal cord tumor. Now 6-years-old, he’s experienced five surgeries, two rounds of radiation, and just started Kindergarten.

His big brother, Carter, has been there along the way, teaching his brother to fish and playing outside when not recovering.

“He just started Kindergarten and we weren’t sure he was going to start school,” says Rebecca, Hudson’s mom.

Rebecca and Mark, parents to these remarkable kids, have relied on the resources available to them, including Friends of Kids with Cancer’s programming.

“Since the time he was diagnosed, Friends of Kids with Cancer has been a constant presence in our family. They’re like family. It’s amazing how much Friends has been there for us over the years,” Rebecca continued.

Looking through the Hudson’s bedroom you can find many Friends Toy Chest gifts. Radiation patients receive specialized Toy Chest gifts that cater to the child’s interests.

Rebecca says, “he was really interested in cars at the time. Now he loves learning in school. It’s amazing how much he’s grown.

“They continue to support us and often surprise [us] through endless gifts, activities and the most amazing memories to not only Hudson but to his big brother Carter as well.

“The amount of times they have brightened our spirits on the hardest of days is truly unmeasurable, and we are so grateful to call them our friends!”


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