Adopt a Family Gift Drive

You can help us provide a memorable holiday for our patients, their siblings, and their caregivers. With your donations fulfilling family wish lists, you are donating so much more than presents. You are gifting these families joy, smiles, and sweet memories during what could otherwise be a difficult time.

How it works:

1. Email or call us to let us know you're interested and how many people you'd like to shop or purchase gifts for. (Each family member is typically gifted the value of about $250. Families range from 2-10 people.)

2. We will pair you with a family or individuals and send you all information needed about the family and their wish lists.

3. You shop and bring gifts to our office, wrapped or unwrapped. You provide us with a list of what was purchased.

All patients and families will be identified by November 20th. You will receive correspondence from us by November 20.


To sign up, contact Christine and Amber at



Please deliver all gifts by Thursday, December 12th.

Drop-Off to Christine or Amber:

16 Sunnen Drive, Suite 161

St. Louis, MO 63143


Want to make a monetary donation to support a family?

Go to our donation page and indicate "Adopt a family" in the Reason for your donation section.