Coat Drive for Kids with Cancer
WHAT: Coat drive for Kids with Cancer
WHO: Friends of Kids with Cancer
WHEN: Now-November 4. Donate coats by 5pm on Friday, November 4.
WHERE: Drop off coats to Friends of Kids with Cancer’s office
530 Maryville Centre Dr., LL5
St. Louis, MO 63141
WHY: The financial burden caused by cancer treatment is especially difficult for our families during the holiday season. Your support through a coat donation means so much to the families as we strive to meet the ever-evolving needs of not only the patients but their entire family. Over 100 of our kids are in need of a coat this winter!
HOW: Visit Friends of Kids with Cancer's website ( to view the coat needs list for our patients and their siblings. Please give the office a call to let us know so we fill coats as needed.
ABOUT: Friends of Kids with Cancer is a local nonprofit devoted to enriching the daily lives of children undergoing treatment for, and survivors of, cancer and blood-related diseases. Our mission is to be an advocate for these special kids and provide them and their families with the Educational, Emotional and Recreational support needed as a result of the long hours of chemotherapy, illness and isolation.
Coats must be new and must be dropped off by November 4.
Check out the link if you need more information.