Trivia Night Sponsorships and Donations

As a sponsor, you are helping to enrich the daily lives of our families. This year there are multiple sponsorship opportunities available:

Title Sponsor — $2,500 (SOLD OUT)

INCLUDES: Two tables of 10, Name/logo on all answer sheets, Name/logo displayed on stage, Recognition in all marketing, Recognition on Friends’ website    

Bar Sponsor — $1,000

INCLUDES: One table of 10 (sold out), Name/logo displayed on both bars, Name/logo displayed on sponsor board, Recognition in all marketing, Recognition on Friends’ website

Game Sponsor — $500 

INCLUDES: Name/logo displayed during games & intermission, Name/logo displayed on sponsor board, Recognition on Friends’ website

Round Sponsor — $250

INCLUDES: Name/logo displayed during one trivia round, Recognition on Friends’ website

Raffle Sponsor — Donate items/certificates for raffle baskets
INCLUDES: Recognition in raffle descriptions

Raffle donations may be mailed or dropped off at the Friends office, or call 314.275.7440 to arrange pick-up.

To register for a sponsorship, complete the form below, or contact Kim Wisdom at 314-275-7440,

Trivia Sponsorships

  • Contact Information

    Name the information you would like listed for your sponsorship or donation.

    Payment information is on the next page.

  • Sponsorship Listing Information

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