Patient & Family Parties

Friends creates an atmosphere of support, laughter, and trust. These qualities are best exemplified by our annual parties and events. Many times a year, Friends holds a party or event open to the whole family of every child in treatment at any hospital. We hold events for summer, back-to-school, Halloween, Winter Holidays, and more.

Each party is unique, but they all accomplish the same task: letting the children escape into being a normal kid. They can run around and have fun while the parents get to relax and share their experiences with people who understand their situation. At each event, Friends takes care of all their needs cost-free: admission, food and drink, and games, prizes, and toys for the kids to take home with them.

Parents are often financially squeezed by their situation, so trips and excursions like these aren't often possible. Families will drive from hours away just to come participate, because the parents know it's free fun for the day, and the kids will be taking home plenty of good stuff with them. Whether it's a haunted hayride or the arcade games at the Winter Wonderland, parents, siblings and the child all have a day to remember.


Know a child or family who could benefit from our services? Contact the patient's hospital social worker or care team for a referral to Friends.